Wednesday 22 April 2020
As we end April 2020, we thought we would share our thoughts of recent weeks. As a small business based in Worthing town center, the company directors were keeping a close eye on the government advise in early March. With members of staff that live alone it was a tough call to make the decision to shut up our head office and decamp to home. Keith & Stella were concerned about individual’s mental health and wellbeing if we all worked from home and had no company. However, the decision was made on Tuesday 17th March that it was time to move out.
Staff packed up their desks, with a toilet roll and favourite beverage and said their farewells. The directors cleaned the office, unplugged the necessary electric items, pulled down the blinds and locked up. For anyone else who has undertaken the same actions it is an unsettling task and leaves a nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach. The future was unknown, the familiar now unfamiliar.
Now nearly seven weeks later how does the now new familiar look like for us?
Nevalee Business Solutions is still 100% in business, working remotely has altered our way of working as a team, however we are spending more time together than ever before. Every morning there is a 9 am team call for all the staff responsible for support. An opportunity to look closely at outstanding support tickets that as time has progressed has reduced, this has provided time for in-depth work on business documentation to take place. For individuals to share their knowledge and expertise with others in a more focused way. Then at 3.30 pm the whole team come together, from Devon to East Sussex and chat through the day, family life, shopping challenges, frustrations, to what’s for dinner. Each week someone has compiled a play list, there have been getting to know you questions, Thursday team quizzes and this week we move onto selecting a film for the rest of the team to watch and then review. For those of our team members that were already home workers they have been involved much more.
Is it something that should be continued in later months when working life make look different?
Our development team have used this opportunity to spend time working on some challenging projects, with more in the pipeline too. Our RedAtlas AMS & RedAtlas FSA is being updated and we look forward to sharing this with our airfield customers in the coming weeks.
Although there have been no onsite visits from the team , the power of Zoom and Microsoft Teams has meant that conference calls have replaced this way of supporting our customers for the time being.
Is this something else that will take place in the future?
As the future of everything lies in the grasp of others, we await to see what it will look like. New methods of working may well be adopted, working from home for the rest of the year may also be on the table. The team at Nevalee will be ready for what happens next and will support our customers as they face their individual challenges. Feel free to contact us to find out how we can help you as we have LOTS to offer you;
Listen - Here at Nevalee we believe that only by understanding the challenges being faced and the processes being used can we help our customers review and improve the systems they use. It is always good to talk to the staff undertaking a process as they know the challenges, so having an external organisation to do a review of key processes can confirm or evidence suspected problems and occasionally identify unknown issues.
Options - There is no “one size fits all” solution and whilst we have preferred tools, we always look for what is best for our Customers. So, we identify and outline the options which can be as simple as redesign a form through to building a bespoke system.
Technical Skills - Most companies cannot afford to have on the payroll specialist staff. We all outsource tasks regularly to Accountants, Solicitors and IT support companies. Reviewing and integrating business systems requires specialist skills which we can provide.
Service - We put customer service as the heart of our business, so we are always keen to ensure our customers get the help and support they need throughout any project we undertake.
Our experience sets us apart. Our combined knowledge is our strength
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